Monday, July 6, 2009

Various Comments and Random Items Bullet Style

  1. I have found this to be my most favorite way to post blogs now... bullet style.
  2. I was trying to be clever with my news that I signed up for CdA 2010, and in the meantime I found out that there's quite a few friends that read my ramblings. I also learned about Google Reader and now am a subscriber and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
  3. I did sign up for CdA 2010, and thankfully I'm NOT wondering what the heck I did, I'm actually excited to get back into training :)
  4. Two weeks later, I feel like a big fat slob. I haven't exercised in two weeks, minus a small 7 mile run and a 5 mile run/walk with friends.
  5. I'm officially back onto training. No training group this time around, but going to see how long I can make it "training on my own" before I become so huge that I have NO clothes that fit :)
  6. Shout out to Rachel: Yes, I remember you and Joey. Your comment was super flattering :) Thanks!
  7. I've become green! I now ride the bus to work and LOVE it! I actually look forward to the bus rides and have started reading a book. I'm a slow reader, but I'm reading and hope it will make me more intelligent. If anything I can brag that I'm reading.
  8. 3 day weekend was awesome. Saturday consisted of Adrian and I staying in bed ALL DAY LONG! We got hooked on The Deadliest Catch marathon and didn't get out of bed unless we had to use the restroom or get food, and even then, I was the declared the food gopher for the day. I did get up at 6pm to go to a friends birthday party, but resumed my slothness as soon as I got home :) I also did this on Sunday until 4pm as Adrian did workouts and worked all day :)
  9. I'm happy that I'm saving the most money I've ever saved before. Ok, not yet, but when the next paychecks roll in, I will be. I've saved $150 in parking per month on taking the bus, I've decreased my 401k contributions just until the end of the year, and I'm NOT eating out during the week for lunch or dinner ANYMORE!
  10. I'm going to attempt to get serious about my nutrition.. yes again. Anyone that knows me knows I struggle with this. I've paid poor Meredith, I've used friends to try and motivate me, I've done Weight Watchers, and I've even had coaches flat out tell me, if I could just lose 10-15 more pounds, I'd be as fast as I want... and I still manage to pick a Ex-long Cheese Coney, with tater tots, and a Route 44 Cherry Limeade over something healthy. Let's try it again...
  11. Core & upper body... gonna try this too.
  12. I feel like I'm two weeks late in my Ironman celebration. The first two weeks were a little saddening for me, and now I'm finally over it and want to bask in my IM glory. I've put the 140.6 sticker on my car and I'm genuinely excited about the improvement I'm going to make next year :)
  13. OMG, I'm totally looking forward to Hawaii in October. Adrian and I have NEVER been on a real vacation like this before. We're both super excited!!!

1 comment:

MW said...

welcome to google reader on your iPhone.