Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Breakthrough

I took two days off, for no apparent reason. I took Tuesday off, cause that was going to be my new day to take off since I'm swimming at Barton Springs on Friday and that used to be my day off. It was odd. I found myself bored and wishing that I had gone to core/spin. In any case, I managed, did laundry, spent time with my cats, and watched a ton of recorded shows :) Wednesday, I just felt tired, so went home and did the same.

Thursday, I was excited to go to spin. Chrissie ended up setting her bike up behind me, so that made me nervous the entire spin class. If I wasn't on cadence or my heels weren't down, I was paranoid that she was thinking I was a complete idiot. Thankfully, she didn't yell at me.

My breakthrough...

During core class I did my FIRST ever real pushup. Ok, I didn't go all the way down, but I went down far enough that it took me a good 1-2 seconds to get back up. I could only do 4-5 over the course of the 30 minute core class, and each one got shorter and shorter. My improvement is that I switched from girl pushups on my knees to full on real pushups on my toes. I was waiting for Mo to yell at my slow/weak self, but thankfully he didn't. I did switch it up and go to girl pushups once, then decided I'm done with those. I'd rather look like a weakling and get stronger doing the real ones, then to do the girl ones. I have graduated :)

Looking forward to getting stronger. If I can build enough strength, I might try that 100 push up challenge that everyone did a few months ago :)


Dionn said...

I'm so proud of you!! I remember your first day of core and how you hated the pushups and plank. And NOW look at you! Keep up the great work!!!

Amy said...

SWEET! Go girl!!!