Friday, January 9, 2009

I now know why they call her Coach Pain

Wow... last night's workout was brutal. I'm not sure if it's because it was 4th day in a row to be working out, or if my legs were tired (they felt fine till the workout started), or it's just that Chrissie aka Coach Pain was giving us a big ole dose of WTF??

I got stuck at work a little later than normal which meant I was scrambling to get to T3. I got there, changed, had to scramble to find a T3 trainer. I just realized last night that most of the trainers there have names on them. I hope I wasn't using someone elses trainer by accident the last two times I've been, my bad!! Of course the only T3 trainer left was one that was on the front row. Blah. I set my bike up and I heard Chrissie start the core workout, doh! I was a couple minutes late, but only missed a couple sets. Good class. We worked with resistance bands on our upper body (I have none) and did the plank ten million times with varying positions, pushups (girl-style), and a bunch of crunches and leg work. I was sweaty when it was done. Good stuff.

Now the bike workout was tough. It was the first time that I felt my legs burning, which has always been my pet peeve as to why I hate cycling. Never in a million years have my legs ever burned while running. Towards the middle, I was wondering if I'd make it, but kept going. Then Chrissie tells us to get off the bike.. I look around for confirmation before I get off, and sure enough, everyone is OFF their bikes. She had us do squats!! So we would ride on our trainers then jump off and do squats, and every time we got off she added a set!! The last set, which there were 4 total, she had us go down and just sit there for 30 seconds, OMG! Finally, it was the first class where I wasn't the only one grunting and moaning ;) I thought we were done after the next spin set, but it was just for a break. We had one last 10 minute section left, and I just couldn't do it. My legs were on fire, and it was hard to just spin in my easy gear, I was toast. I stopped and started probably 4-5 times trying not to give up, but then I looked around and most of the girls were off. I tried again so I wouldn't be all girly, but quickly chalked it up as done. I had sweated through my little towel, sweat was pouring off my face, and my legs were gone. Whew... what a good workout. I hobbled out, went home, cooked my healthy dinner, did some laundry, watched Grey's, and was out.

This morning I feel it, but it's a good feel it. Shoulders, arms, and buttocks are sore, but it's a good sore. It's a "I think I'm getting stronger" sore. Adrian made fun of me last night cause I told him, I've done 3 core classes and it's working!!! He knows I'm a quick satisfaction type personality and he knows I expect everything now. I already think my arms are bulging :) I can't wait to see my improvement after a month of this.

I think I'm supposed to take today off, but I've only run once this week on Monday, so I think I'm going to get in 5-6 miles tonight just to make sure my legs remember how to run :)

Tomorrow will be my first group ride. I'm just praying that I'm not the slowest, please please please don't let me be the caboose. It's supposed to be cold and windy so it should make for an adventureous first ride for me...

1 comment:

kirsten said...

OK now I feel like a total slacker!!! Almost forgot to do my push ups today! My legs are aching just reading your post. My, oh, my...if you are able to translate the amazing fitness you have after all this, you are going to be tearing up the road on your feet.