Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Swim, Pandora, & Netflix

Workout: T1 swim
Location: Lost Creek
Time: 7:10
People: T3er's
Distance: 2900 meters

Last night was the first night I completed the total distance in swim class. I don't have paddles (need to buy some) so I did those drills without. Chrissie is awesome and kept correcting my form. Who knew I was such a bad swimmer. Yay me! I am still only in the T1 workouts, but super excited I could finish the workout. I was one of the LAST ones in the pool, but I finished and that's all that matters!!!

I'm hooked on the Pandora app on my iPhone, it's all I listen to now here at work, it's awesome!!

I also registered for Netflix, and what a saver!! Adrian and I rent movies ALL the time and we were wasting a ton of money at Blockbuster!! Looking forward to our new set of movies for the weekend :)

Tonight - short run, followed by core, followed by spin class... whew, what a night!


Anonymous said...

I love Pandora...its blocked by our IT at work. :-( Wish I had an iPhone...wonder if they have a blackberry app.

Anonymous said...

And way to go on the 2900m...I think I would drown.

Dee said...

FOOL...you should also start tracking your swims on breakingthetape.

Dee said...

FOOL...you should also start tracking your cycling on breakingthetape.