Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday Hugs

I almost forgot...

I got to hug... (these were gynormous, 10 second hugs, they count for 5 people a piece)
  1. Ruth
  2. Sisson

High Five (while running)

  1. Bruce

"What up, FOOLS?"

  1. Kamran
  2. Mike (even got a FOOL back)
  3. Bruce
  4. Jason

"Hi Priscilla!!"

  1. Sisson

Top that, BaFaDuh :)


Dee said...

Dear T3P (Traitor 3 Priscilla). FOOL I get Shout outs like that all the time. But then again, I do see them more often than you do. (sigh)

P.S. I noticed you didn't get a hug from Mike.

Priscilla said...

You know what... I'm not playing with you anymore!!!!!!!!

Dee said...

Ahhh...FOOL, you know we all love you!

Unknown said...

Ahem, you did NOT get a hug from me, which counts way more than your list...

MW said...

each hug counted as 5?
you're really trying hard here.
; )

I can't wait for my morning hug, tomorrow.

Dee said...

Yeah me! :-)