Monday, January 5, 2009

Meredith Mtg and 4 miles in the freezing cold!!

I decided after one of Sisson's office hours, that he was right. If I wanted to get faster, I'd have to lose weight. I did pretty good on my own with Weight Watchers. I went up and down with my weight, but towards the middle of Team Rogue/CIM training I hit my Lifetime Goal. I only stayed there for two weeks and slowly started creeping up. I could tell I was chubby after the Team Rogue uniforms came in and the size I normally wear was WAY snug.

After CIM, I fell completely off. It ended at the right month with time off from work for the holidays, with the holidays, and my job couldn't be worse with temptations of chocolate, cookies, cakes, pies, and all the other bad stuff.

So I'm putting it out there. I'm not OVERweight by normal standards, but I'm definitely overweight in the endurance athlete world. Meeting with Meredith was eye opening, and I stood on a scale and found to be a good 8 pounds over my "goal" weight. Yuck. I wonder if I could have run faster in CIM if I had not gained half of that?? I'm sure I would of. So my mission and Meredith agreed, would be 15 pounds. She even got me excited saying that if I followed it as I'm supposed to, the first 10 will fall off.

I'm thankful for my friends too :) I won't name names, but I had an Ah Ha moment tonight and realized that we really do love each other. We're doing this together, and this couldn't be any more fun. We'll have a tiny bit of competitiveness, but it's the good kind. I wonder who will look the hottest once we're all thin and fast :) I love you, FOOLS, thanks for being my friends.

After the meeting, we went on a 4 mile run, averaged 9:24's :)

Tomorrow - core/spin class :)


kirsten said...

You can do it Priscilla. A few yrs ago when I realized I was a good 20lbs over wt, I joined ww, lost the weight and have been within 3-4 pounds of it since. However...I would not be if I didn't run. Food is an addiction for me and I just gotta eat. So, I gotta run.

Anonymous said... are overweight by endurance athlete standards?! if so, i'm morbidly obese by those standards. guess thats why i'm not an endurance athlete :-)


Sounds like you gained some amazing information. I eat good foods (with the rare chocolate obsession), but I know my portions are slightly greater than they should be...Ok...not slightly....a lot. Keep us posted on progress!