Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mt Bonnel and Ike Who???

Time: 2am, 3am, 4am, 4:20am.. then 5:30am
Location: My bed and Barton Springs
Workout: 18 miles of Mt. Bonnell
Weather: Windy, humid, but surprisingly cool at some moments
People: Team Rogue - mainly Dee and Andrea
Comments: I need to quit subjecting myself to peer pressure. I've known that I need to come straight home on Friday nights and not go anywhere, but I went to a happy hour with Sabrina, Sam, Stephanie, Tim, and Amber. Then we went to Sabrina's where everyone drank except myself. I got some slack for it, but held my ground. I need to quit putting myself in those situations, because it's hard for me to say no.

I didn't sleep well, because what used to be a bank, decided to put big ass flood lights.. all of which shine right through into my bedroom. I can barely sleep when I leave my DVD player on, much less having flood lights shining through. I'm hoping it was just for Ike, but will see tonight. I have mini blinds, but might need to invest in some curtains. I woke up every hour and when Dee called this morning to see if we were running, I can honestly say I was looking for every excuse not to go. We both logged on and saw the note that the run wasn't postponed so decided to go. I was exhausted from not getting sleep, and texted Dee at 5am asking if she had left the house, then followed it up with an, "I don't want to go." Thankfully, she pushed me and I met her there at 5:30am. Not a drop of rain to be found and when I walked out to my car, it wasn't even windy.

I got to Barton Springs and there was a pretty big group, so I was glad I didn't chicken out. I'll cut to the good stuff. Run was good, I didn't roll my calves, but they weren't tight and the run was nice. I had to pull back a couple of times, but managed to crank out some faster paces on Lake Austin so that made me happy. I had some issues with my hip and left heel with the hills, but I have another follow up appt with Dr. Fluitt on Monday, so I'm not worried.

On our way out to Lake Austin, I had picked up the pace to go to the potty and all I heard was, "Foho, watch out!!" OMG, I looked to my left and there was an armadillo charging at me with a gun!! I yelled like a girl, did a high step and about crapped on myself. I heard giggles, but continued to run to the potty. If I wasn't sure I had to go, that confirmed that I did. Stupid armadillo!!

It was super nice to have Killer and Steve out on the course. I'm really in love with just hearing Sisson talk. Everything that comes out of that man's mouth seems to inspire me. I love doing out and backs where I can see all the teammates. We've really grown together as a team and I love it that we're all getting to know each other. I handed out a ton of "Good jobs" today and thank you, thank you, Dee for making me get out of bed.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I do what I do! Glad you were there, and I'm glad the armadillo didn't shoot you.